Good Afternoon RPI Families,
I am going to keep this weeks email quite short but ask that you really consider the first 2 bullets this week. The morning drop off time can be a very stressful time, especially if you are a parent that needs to get to work right afterwards. If we all do our part, this CAN run very smoothly. I am also working with the County and Township Police to have an officer or two out in the morning to help direct traffic. Thanks for your help and understanding as I know this is frustrating for those of you who have called or gotten frustrated with those who do not follow this expectation. One a side note, if you would like to volunteer to help with this in the morning, we’d be more than appreciative!
Morning Drop Off: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pull forward. I got several calls this week regarding people holding up traffic in the morning. As I have said in the past, I feel it is very important for Mrs. Whitaker and me to be in the building with the students during this time. Please do your part in helping with this and exercising “The Rocket Way” for yourself when people who don’t pull forward.
Bond Community Forum: Reeths-Puffer Intermediate will be hosting a community forum this Wednesday to further discuss the potential of a May, 2020 bond vote. This event will be in the RPI/RPEL cafeteria at 7pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend to gain a better understanding and offer suggestions/opinions. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Half Day Friday: We will have a half day on Friday. School will release at 10:55 am.
Have a great week everyone! Go Rockets!
Mr. Panozzo