The College Board is the Go-To for All Things SAT

SAT Paper Pencil Practice TestsSimulate test day with these official practice tests

Understanding SAT ScoresUnderstand how to interpret SAT scores
Compare SAT Scores to ACT scores (converter)
Understand how the SAT essay is scored and the items for which readers look

Test Overviews

SAT Daily Practice

Official SAT Practice from Khan Academy

Personalized practice experience based on PSAT scores

Targeted Instructional Videos

Practice tests (each subject area must be completed in one setting)

Learning Express Library

Students must create an account for Learning Express Library at school.

  • Create this account using your R-P e-mail address

  • Create at school and then access site from anywhere off site.

Access the SAT resources by selecting the "College Preparation Center."

Then click on the button "Prepare for Your SAT Test"

Preparation Materials Include:

  • Test taking strategies specific to each test

  • Four full length practice test are available for each subject area tested (reading, writing and language, math and the essay)>

  • Tests are scored online

  • Explanation for incorrect answers provided so students can learn from incorrect answers.

  • Downloadable e-book specific to math preparation.

SAT Strategy Guides

Other Resources