Good attendance is very important for success in school. Students who are here every day can expect to gain much from their classes. The purpose of the attendance policy is to maintain academic standards for earning grades and credits.

To report an absence please dial 744-1647 x 3790 prior to 10 am the day of the absence.


The State of Michigan requires all children between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school. Presence in the classroom instills concepts of self-discipline, respect, and concern for others. Such presence also enables a student to hear and participate in class instruction, discussion, and other related learning experiences. Attendance, punctuality and participation in class are proper educational values, which have a direct bearing on student academic achievement.The following constitutes the R-PHS attendance policy and administrative procedures, which will be used:

  1. If any student is going to miss school for all or part of any school day, parents/guardians should call the high school office at 744-1647 x 3790 prior to 10:00 a.m. the date of the absence. If the office does not hear from parents/guardians, the assumption will be made that students should be in school for the day. Only Medical notes will be used. Parents are strongly encouraged to provide confirmation of medical appointments and office visits.

  2. If the office does not hear from the parent/guardian within 72 hours, the absence will be classified as unconfirmed and marked AB.

  3. Parents are encouraged to contact the Attendance Office (Tel: 719-3111) in the event of a prolonged absence from school so that books and assignments may be sent to the home.

  4. Except for absences due to school-related activities, absence from regular classes on the day of an extracurricular activity or practice prohibits the student from participating in that activity or practice for the day. The following activities are affected by this policy: athletics, choir, band, student council, class officer activities, Honor Society, Science Olympiad, yearbook, theater, debate/forensics, STATS or any other recognized club activity.

  5. College Visitations: All college visits must be pre-approved through the counseling office. Proper documentation from the college must be submitted to Student Services to be school related.

A student who is absent more than ten (10) days (excluding school-related absences and /or medically related absences verified with a physician’s note/diagnosis) in a class during a semester will receive a grade of “F” in that class. All students have a right to appeal a loss of credit to the attendance appeals board.

An appeals board consisting of the Assistant Principal, Dean of Students, and Counselor will consider a student that has possible extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are defined as emergency situations. Vacation is not included as an extenuating circumstance.

  • Students with 0-10 excused, unexcused or unexcused late absences per class (per semester) receive the earned grade.

  • Students with more than 10 excused or unexcused absences per class (per semester) who do NOT earn the 77% minimum on the semester exam, but earn a passing semester average will receive an “F” for the class.

  • Students with more than 10 excused or unexcused absences per class (per semester) who earn the 77% minimum on the semester exam, will receive an “F” and a CR for the class, Giving them credit in the course.

School Related absences will not be counted toward total class attendance required to receive credit per semester. These absences include, but are not limited to funeral/bereavement, medical, school related, homebound situations and suspensions.