Family Exercise Ideas

Good Afternoon Central Families,

We received a great email yesterday from one of our amazing community partners regarding health and wellness during this challenging time. Below, I've shared some of the most relevant information from that email as it pertains to supporting families by way of exercise and nutrition ideas and opportunities.  

  • "Thank you for helping us spread the word that all of our apps - Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute - will be free to use until April 1st.  In response to the many school closures taking place, we are extending the free period to July 1st for all students and teachers (K-12 and college) so that they can have access to wellness at home through the end of the semester. To access the free membership, please sign up with your .edu email address. If your school doesn't use .edu emails, please reply to this email or write to us at so we can extend the free membership to your school's email domain. More info can be found at Please help us share this with the students and teachers in your lives. With love, The Down Dog Team " 
  • Chances are, you have heard of GoNoodle. Our little ones love it!
  • This is from a PE teacher and it looks pretty fun.

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, anxiety, and boredom. Don't forget about recess!  

I hope these resources help in supporting your health and wellness efforts at home. Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend! 

Go Rockets!

Mr. Hamilton